This is due to the cattle-webhook-tls in the cattle-system namespace (typically within the Rancher Management cluster) having expired.

You can confirm this by checking the rancher pod logs in the cattle-system namespace (an error similar to the below should be seen):

2022/06/27 13:02:23 [ERROR] API error response 500 for POST /v3-public/activeDirectoryProviders/activedirectory?action=login. Cause: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://rancher-webhook.cattle-system.svc:443/v1/webhook/validation?timeout=10s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-06-27T15:01:01Z is after 2022-02-18T11:17:18Z

Confirm the cattle-webhook-tls secret expiry date:

$ k -n cattle-system get secret -o yaml cattle-webhook-tls -o jsonpath='{ .data.tls\.crt }' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -text

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 5536570337783795717 (0x4cd5d96361915005)
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
        Issuer: O = dynamiclistener-org, CN = dynamiclistener-ca
            Not Before: Feb 18 11:17:18 2021 GMT
            Not After : Feb 18 11:17:18 2022 GMT

Backup the existing secret (just in case):

$ k -n cattle-system get secret -o yaml cattle-webhook-tls  > cattle-webhook-tls.orig.secret.yaml

Delete the secret and restart (delete) the  rancher-webhook pod.

# Delete cattle-webhook-tls
$ k -n cattle-system delete secrets cattle-webhook-tls

# Delete rancher-webhook pod
$ k -n cattle-system delete pod rancher-webhook-b5b7b76c4-w2grs 

Confirm the new cattle-webhook-tls secret's certificate expiry date:

$ k -n cattle-system get secret -o yaml cattle-webhook-tls -o jsonpath='{ .data.tls\.crt }' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -text
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 524978744967777451 (0x7491963186f4cab)
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
        Issuer: O = dynamiclistener-org, CN = dynamiclistener-ca
            Not Before: Feb 18 11:17:18 2021 GMT
            Not After : Jun 27 13:14:44 2023 GMT